Car Rider Procedures
Dismissal time is a particularly hectic part of a school day. It is also the time of day that is wide open to the possibility of problems with communications, accidents and/or abductions. To prevent problems with communications at dismissal time, we ask that a note be sent to the teacher of any child who will not be going home his usual way on the morning of the change. We also request that early sign-outs take place before 1:45 PM. Eliminating the need to conduct this business between 1:45-2:30 PM would assure a more orderly and safer dismissal.
Also, it is imperative that no one parks at the church across the street as they could be towed or in front teacher parking area to pick-up students. All parents need to drive up in an orderly fashion in line to provide a smooth dismissal. Only parents/guardians with special medical statements which are specific to the need will be considered for a handicapped car tag.
At registration parents will be given a hangtag which is designed to hang on the rearview mirror of the vehicle. One is provided, if you would like another, one can be purchased at a nominal fee. Please have it properly displayed every day as you pick up children. It saves valuable time in calling for students to report to their cars. The teachers are glad to take the time to be sure you have a hangtag, because they know what a difference it makes in the efficiency of the dismissal. If you have the option of timing your arrival at school to be 2:40 instead of 2:30 PM, please consider doing so. Students will be dismissed from their classrooms at 2:25 PM.
At dismissal time, we ask that you comply with the following procedures:
Display your hangtag.
Pull through the school driveway at the direction of the supervising teachers and administrators.
We have two lanes of dismissal as you pull into the loop. The far lane goes around to the bus loop and is for students in grades 3-5 that do not have younger siblings. The lane closest to the school is for K4-2nd grade and those that have siblings in these grades.
We ask that you keep traffic moving by continuing to pull forward into the next available spot. When cars have stopped then kids will load.
Wait until all cars are loaded and the supervising teacher at the front of the line indicates you may pull out.
If your child(ren) do not report in a timely manner or if there is a problem, a supervising teacher will instruct you on where to pull up and wait until they come out and they will be walked to the car by an adult.
Refrain from using cell phones as you pull into the school driveway. It is important that we all be totally focused on the job at hand and safety.
If your child has not been picked up by 2:45 they will be taken to the office and parents will be called. You may end up with after school fees if you pick up after 3:00.
Bus Information
For additional bus transportation please call
Jennifer Bryce, Supervisor
PHONE: 864-397-1173 – FAX: 898-5641
Essential Rules for Bus Riders
Face the front of the bus
Stay seated on your bottom while the school bus is moving
Keep your hands, legs and voice to yourself (quiet voice)
Consequences for Not Following the Rules
1st offense – (Warning) Bus behavior form sent home to parents
2nd offense - Student suspended from riding bus for one day
3rd offense - Student suspended from riding bus for three days and parent conference
4th offense - Student suspended from riding bus for five days and parent conference
5th offense - Student is removed from the bus for the rest of the current semester
Note: Student behavior that endangers the safety of others on the bus may result in an immediate suspension.